Thursday, September 27, 2007
Cannery Row, chapters 17-32
Doc seemed to be absesive with alcohol, especially beer. For instance in the quote that Blaisedell, the poet had said to him," You love beer so much, I'll bet some day you'll go in order a beer milkshake." (103). Another example is chapter 23: page 142, Doc is waving with two fingers in the air and smiled saying, "There's nothing like that first taste of beer." He seems to be over all a calm and "collective" guy except on occations. An example of this is on page 130 where Doc says," Did you do this?"and Mack says, "Well, I and the boys--" Doc's small hard fist whipped out and splashed against Mack's mouth.Doc's eyes shone with a red animal rage." Doc liked to eat and most often hamburgers. For instance, on page 103, the sentence," He didn't drive fast and he stopped and ate hamburgers very often." He has friends, and seems ok, but really he is a lonely guy. For instance: in chapter 17, the first sentence of the chapter, " In spite of his friendliness and his friends Doc was a lonely and a set apart man." " Even in the dear close contact with a girl Mack felt tht Doc would be lonely. Doc was a night crawler."( chapter 17, 4th and 5th sentence in the first paragraph). He also didnt let on that he knew about the party being thrown for Doc. In chapter 27, page 170 " Well," said the drunk, " they're givin' him a hell of a party on his birthday." Doc mulled this over. Another instance is on page 183, He stopped and they stood forlornly on the stairs. " Come on in," said doc. "Why--I'm--I'm surprised. I didn't even know you knew it was my birthday."
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The one of many interviews with Ralph Ellison
This interview began with Ralph Ellison saying that his writing was not a autobiography. He had many jobs that didnt last long. He reviewed many writers, their techniques, and writing structures. For example: Hemingway was one he studied. He also liked how Malraux wrote about
his real life, but not completely.
He also said that the negros are a minority group and most of the time gets their books critiqued by white people, which creates limitations of the feelings and thoughts of the book. The white people questioned humanity, and wondered how negros can afford to indulge such an issue as humanity. I feel that all people are equal no matter the color of the skin and that all should have the right to indulge in humanity. History will keep repeating its self and so will the limitations of the human condition in certain groups of people no matter who trys and succeeds to change the past, present, and future. All people are human no matter whether they are black, white, orange, or yellow. All groups especially the minority groups, value life and death, as well attempt to humanize the world. No matter who writes a book or story, their writings will be racially critisied somewhere in the world.
his real life, but not completely.
He also said that the negros are a minority group and most of the time gets their books critiqued by white people, which creates limitations of the feelings and thoughts of the book. The white people questioned humanity, and wondered how negros can afford to indulge such an issue as humanity. I feel that all people are equal no matter the color of the skin and that all should have the right to indulge in humanity. History will keep repeating its self and so will the limitations of the human condition in certain groups of people no matter who trys and succeeds to change the past, present, and future. All people are human no matter whether they are black, white, orange, or yellow. All groups especially the minority groups, value life and death, as well attempt to humanize the world. No matter who writes a book or story, their writings will be racially critisied somewhere in the world.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Barn Burning summary
As the short story, Barn Burning begins we see a young boy in back of a store, converted into
a court room. Mr. Harris claims that Mr. Snopes burned down his barn. Which he did, but there was no physical proof. Mr. Snopes and his family was told to get out of the county and never to return. They moved on to some land owned by Major De Spain and his wife. Things were going good until Abner Snopes soiled the rug that come from France. Major De Spain demanded that the Snopes clean the rug. When the two daughters (bovines) didn't do a good job, and the De Spains wasn't happy, Mr. Snopes took a stone to it and "cleaned" it and ruined it. Out of anger, he decided to burn down The De Spains barn. Before he could do that Sarty, the young son broke free from his mother, who was holding him from going and telling De Spains of his fathers future doing. They were ready for Mr. Snopes and rather than succeeding he failed and was getting his gun ready. Sartoris decides to leave and make a new life for himself rather than the one his father is providing for him.
In my opinion, Mr. Snopes is a angry,revengeful, abusive, full of himself, and paranoid by hatred for society. Sartoris, his younger son is taking things like a man because he has to. He is loving t0ward his father, but in a way he hates his ways of living and his legacy. The mother is worried about her family and scared for her husbands doings, past and present.
a court room. Mr. Harris claims that Mr. Snopes burned down his barn. Which he did, but there was no physical proof. Mr. Snopes and his family was told to get out of the county and never to return. They moved on to some land owned by Major De Spain and his wife. Things were going good until Abner Snopes soiled the rug that come from France. Major De Spain demanded that the Snopes clean the rug. When the two daughters (bovines) didn't do a good job, and the De Spains wasn't happy, Mr. Snopes took a stone to it and "cleaned" it and ruined it. Out of anger, he decided to burn down The De Spains barn. Before he could do that Sarty, the young son broke free from his mother, who was holding him from going and telling De Spains of his fathers future doing. They were ready for Mr. Snopes and rather than succeeding he failed and was getting his gun ready. Sartoris decides to leave and make a new life for himself rather than the one his father is providing for him.
In my opinion, Mr. Snopes is a angry,revengeful, abusive, full of himself, and paranoid by hatred for society. Sartoris, his younger son is taking things like a man because he has to. He is loving t0ward his father, but in a way he hates his ways of living and his legacy. The mother is worried about her family and scared for her husbands doings, past and present.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Janie's Voice and Identity
Bernadette Miner
Mr. Joyce
20TH Century Fiction
September 19, 2007
Janie’s Voice and Identity
In Hurstons novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, she used many symbolic
Descriptions, voices, and identities. Janie Crawford has many voices and identities in
The story. Voices can be expressed verbally or non verbally. Identities are different for
All human beings, but involves individuality. Janie has many of them in many events
Of her life. Hurston used the character, Janie, in such a way that she finds a voice as
An instrument of injury, salvation, self hood, and empowerment. Better yet places great
Emphasis on the control of language as the source of identity and empowerment. Janie
Through many struggles and tribulations finds, protects, and delivers her voice and
Identity by the end of the novel.
For instance Janie’s grandmother, Nanny, was a slave and never able to speak.
“You know, honey, us colored folks is branches without roots and that makes things
Come round in queer ways. You in particular. Ah was born back due in slavery so it
wasn’t for me to fulfill my dreams of whut a woman oughta be and to do. Dat’s one
Of de hold-backs of slavery. But nothing can’t stop you from wishin’.” ( 16 ) Another
Quote showing this evidence is, “ Ah wanted to preach a great sermon about colored
Women sittin’ on high, but they wasn’t no pulpit for me.” ( 16 ) She wanted Janie to
Have a voice and have people listen to her. Janie married Joe Starks, left for Eaton-
Ville where Joe became mayor. Eatonville citizens wanted Janie to make a speech, but
Joe interrupted by saying,” Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know
Nothin’ bout’ no speech makin’.. ah never married her for nothing’ lak dat. She uh
Woman and her place is in de home.”( 43 ) She wanted to speak at another occasion
About Matt Bonner’s mule, but was again forbidden to do so, as well as telling stories
To other people, which she was good at and liked to do. “ Janie loved the conversation
And sometimes thought up good stories on the mule, but Joe had forbidden her to
Indulge. He didn’t want her talking after such trashy people.” ( 53-54) Eventually she
Is tired of being belittled and insulted by Joe, that she is less conversational as time
Goes on and decides to quit fighting back. It wasn’t worth trying anymore. “ Dat’s ‘cause
You need telling’,” he rejoiced hotly.” It would be pitiful if Ah didn’t. Someone got to
Think for women and chillun and chickens and cows. I god, they sho don’t think none
Themselves.”( 71 )
Later on she married Tea Cake. Janie is allowed speak her mind. He wants and
Encourages her to speak what she feels and react to them, as opposed to Joe. In the Ever-
Glades, Janie feels that she can contribute to the stories other people are telling and she
Has a voice there.
Hurston uses very interesting and different identities in the book Their Eyes Were
Watching God. For instance, when Janie has no grip on her identity when she was a girl,
Until she sees a picture of herself as a young child. “So when we looked at de picture and
And everyone got pointed out there wasn’t nobody left except a real dark little girl with
Hair standing by Eleanor. Dat’s where Ah wuz supposed to be, but Ah couldn’t recognize
Dat dark chile as me. So Ah ast, ‘where is me? Ah don’t see me.’( 9 )
“ Everybody laughed, even Mr. Washburn. Miss Nellie, de Mama of de chillun
Who come back after her husband dead, she pointed to de dark one and said, ‘Dat’s you,
Alphabet, don’t you know yo’ ownself?’( 9 ) Janie not knowing she was “mulatto” until
She found out that her mother and grandmother were both raped by white men. She was
Confused and unaware of her identity when everyone called her by many different names.
“ Dey all useter call me Alphabet ‘cause so many people had done named me different
Names. Ah looked at de picture a long tome and seen it was mah dress and mah hair so
Ah said:” Aw, aw! Ah’m colored!”( 9 )
Raised by her grandmother, Janie unaware of her family history, and not knowing
Her father put mental confinement on her own identity. Janie’s identity grew as she
Become a woman by realizing that love don’t make a marriage, but a wonderful relation-
Ship between a couple. “ Ah know all dem sitter-and-talkers gointuh worry they guts
Into fiddle strings till dey find out whut we been talkin’ ‘bout. Dat’s all right, Pheoby,
Tell ‘em. Dey gointuh make ‘miration ‘cause mah love didn’t work lak they love, if
Dey ever had any. Then you must tell ‘em dat love ain’t something’ lak uh grindstone
Dat’s de same thing everywhere and do de same thing tuh everthing it touch. Love is
Lak de sea. It’s uh movin’ thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from de shore it meets,
And it’s different with every shore.”(191) For instance when Janie married Logan Killick,
So that her grandmother can pass away peacefully and know her wish for her grand-
Daughter was fulfilled. She had no grip on her identity again when Janie married Joe
Starks as he has her tie her hair up in head rags out of jealousy of other men wanting her
And not allowing her to be herself. As Joe Starks passes away, her identity grew. She
Unties her hair, burns her head rags, and decides to do as she pleases, and live her life the
Way she chooses. For instance her hair become her unconventional identity and a symbol
Of her power. It also represents her independence and defiance of petty community
Standards and symbolizes “whiteness “ contributing to the normally white male power
That she empowers that disrupts the traditional power relationships.” Nigger, whut’s yo’
Baby doin’ wid gray eyes and yaller hair?” ( 17 )
She realized her identity changed in a good way, when her grandmother wanted
Her to search for things, when all Janie wanted was someone to love and someone
To giver love back, as Tea Cake achieved. Janie achieved her identity when she has been
To the horizon and back, met her dreams, and feels her soul was once separated from her
Body and now her soul is part of her. All the experienced events, trials, and tribulations
Help achieve this.
In conclusion, Janie had no voice, no identity when she was younger. As she
Grew, experienced new events, and lived her life that she had, Janie finally succeeded
Her voice, identity, and sense of living for the future, what ever it may be.
Mr. Joyce
20TH Century Fiction
September 19, 2007
Janie’s Voice and Identity
In Hurstons novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, she used many symbolic
Descriptions, voices, and identities. Janie Crawford has many voices and identities in
The story. Voices can be expressed verbally or non verbally. Identities are different for
All human beings, but involves individuality. Janie has many of them in many events
Of her life. Hurston used the character, Janie, in such a way that she finds a voice as
An instrument of injury, salvation, self hood, and empowerment. Better yet places great
Emphasis on the control of language as the source of identity and empowerment. Janie
Through many struggles and tribulations finds, protects, and delivers her voice and
Identity by the end of the novel.
For instance Janie’s grandmother, Nanny, was a slave and never able to speak.
“You know, honey, us colored folks is branches without roots and that makes things
Come round in queer ways. You in particular. Ah was born back due in slavery so it
wasn’t for me to fulfill my dreams of whut a woman oughta be and to do. Dat’s one
Of de hold-backs of slavery. But nothing can’t stop you from wishin’.” ( 16 ) Another
Quote showing this evidence is, “ Ah wanted to preach a great sermon about colored
Women sittin’ on high, but they wasn’t no pulpit for me.” ( 16 ) She wanted Janie to
Have a voice and have people listen to her. Janie married Joe Starks, left for Eaton-
Ville where Joe became mayor. Eatonville citizens wanted Janie to make a speech, but
Joe interrupted by saying,” Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know
Nothin’ bout’ no speech makin’.. ah never married her for nothing’ lak dat. She uh
Woman and her place is in de home.”( 43 ) She wanted to speak at another occasion
About Matt Bonner’s mule, but was again forbidden to do so, as well as telling stories
To other people, which she was good at and liked to do. “ Janie loved the conversation
And sometimes thought up good stories on the mule, but Joe had forbidden her to
Indulge. He didn’t want her talking after such trashy people.” ( 53-54) Eventually she
Is tired of being belittled and insulted by Joe, that she is less conversational as time
Goes on and decides to quit fighting back. It wasn’t worth trying anymore. “ Dat’s ‘cause
You need telling’,” he rejoiced hotly.” It would be pitiful if Ah didn’t. Someone got to
Think for women and chillun and chickens and cows. I god, they sho don’t think none
Themselves.”( 71 )
Later on she married Tea Cake. Janie is allowed speak her mind. He wants and
Encourages her to speak what she feels and react to them, as opposed to Joe. In the Ever-
Glades, Janie feels that she can contribute to the stories other people are telling and she
Has a voice there.
Hurston uses very interesting and different identities in the book Their Eyes Were
Watching God. For instance, when Janie has no grip on her identity when she was a girl,
Until she sees a picture of herself as a young child. “So when we looked at de picture and
And everyone got pointed out there wasn’t nobody left except a real dark little girl with
Hair standing by Eleanor. Dat’s where Ah wuz supposed to be, but Ah couldn’t recognize
Dat dark chile as me. So Ah ast, ‘where is me? Ah don’t see me.’( 9 )
“ Everybody laughed, even Mr. Washburn. Miss Nellie, de Mama of de chillun
Who come back after her husband dead, she pointed to de dark one and said, ‘Dat’s you,
Alphabet, don’t you know yo’ ownself?’( 9 ) Janie not knowing she was “mulatto” until
She found out that her mother and grandmother were both raped by white men. She was
Confused and unaware of her identity when everyone called her by many different names.
“ Dey all useter call me Alphabet ‘cause so many people had done named me different
Names. Ah looked at de picture a long tome and seen it was mah dress and mah hair so
Ah said:” Aw, aw! Ah’m colored!”( 9 )
Raised by her grandmother, Janie unaware of her family history, and not knowing
Her father put mental confinement on her own identity. Janie’s identity grew as she
Become a woman by realizing that love don’t make a marriage, but a wonderful relation-
Ship between a couple. “ Ah know all dem sitter-and-talkers gointuh worry they guts
Into fiddle strings till dey find out whut we been talkin’ ‘bout. Dat’s all right, Pheoby,
Tell ‘em. Dey gointuh make ‘miration ‘cause mah love didn’t work lak they love, if
Dey ever had any. Then you must tell ‘em dat love ain’t something’ lak uh grindstone
Dat’s de same thing everywhere and do de same thing tuh everthing it touch. Love is
Lak de sea. It’s uh movin’ thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from de shore it meets,
And it’s different with every shore.”(191) For instance when Janie married Logan Killick,
So that her grandmother can pass away peacefully and know her wish for her grand-
Daughter was fulfilled. She had no grip on her identity again when Janie married Joe
Starks as he has her tie her hair up in head rags out of jealousy of other men wanting her
And not allowing her to be herself. As Joe Starks passes away, her identity grew. She
Unties her hair, burns her head rags, and decides to do as she pleases, and live her life the
Way she chooses. For instance her hair become her unconventional identity and a symbol
Of her power. It also represents her independence and defiance of petty community
Standards and symbolizes “whiteness “ contributing to the normally white male power
That she empowers that disrupts the traditional power relationships.” Nigger, whut’s yo’
Baby doin’ wid gray eyes and yaller hair?” ( 17 )
She realized her identity changed in a good way, when her grandmother wanted
Her to search for things, when all Janie wanted was someone to love and someone
To giver love back, as Tea Cake achieved. Janie achieved her identity when she has been
To the horizon and back, met her dreams, and feels her soul was once separated from her
Body and now her soul is part of her. All the experienced events, trials, and tribulations
Help achieve this.
In conclusion, Janie had no voice, no identity when she was younger. As she
Grew, experienced new events, and lived her life that she had, Janie finally succeeded
Her voice, identity, and sense of living for the future, what ever it may be.
Cannery Row chapters 1 to 16
In the beginning of the book: Cannery Row, Lee Chong was introduced as a grocery store owner. He was tough but soft hearted. Horace Abbeville owed money to him, signed over a fish storage
shed to Lee for payment owed, went home and commited suiside. Mack and his unemployed friends moved in the shed for return of the protection given to Lee Chong's store, because Lee knew no money would ever be seen for rent. Mack and his gang furnited the place and made it home. Most of the furnitings were stolen, painted to disguise the original look, and Mack even chalked out places for the gang to sleep in, designated places that is. Doc, a Western Biology Laboratory owner was a nice guy, so Mack and his gang decide to throw a party for him. It goes terribly wrong. Dora, another character, owns the Bear Flag Restraunt and also runs a whorehouse with 12 girls- very respected, a greek cook, and a bouncer, Alfred. That is after William, the old bouncer, was rejected in joining Macks gang, seen Eva, and commited suiside also. Every day an old chinamen walks to the sea, Andy, a young 10 year old boy from Salinas, taunted him once and never did again. Gay, beaten by his wife moved into the Palace Flophouse (the fish shed of Horace's). Even though he is afraid of water, Henry had been building a boat for 7 years already. Mr. and Mrs. Malloy moved to the boiler in 1935 and 2 years later rented out the large pipes as sleeping quarters. Mack talks about Phyllis Mae's infection from a drunks tooth she knocked out and was enbedded in her fist,which went all the way to her elbow. He also wants to help doc out by getting frogs for him.Frankie befriends doc at the lab, and loves him better than his own mother and uncles at home. Gay gets to work on a model t and eddie and jones air up the tires. Gay takes it to Caramel Hill and it dies on him. Brucia picks him up, celebrates Gays birthday, then Gay gets arrested and 180 days later returns home. Mr. Carriaga sees a boy run from Alverado street with a liver in his hand, which come from the gulge
where a french doctor discards parts of a body from Josh Billings, a writer who was staying at the Del Monte Hotel before he died. Mack discuss what has happened to Gay, Moran, and Mckinley and decide married men can't be trusted. The captain , which owned the land that Mack and his gang were eating on, wanted them off his land. Mack offered to fix his dogs wound from a tick bite, and suggested that they hunt at his frog pond. Two soldiers and two girls wonder into cannery row. Mack medicated Nola, the captains dog wound, and was offered the pick of the litter of hers. They begin to drink corn liquor and hunt frogs, drink some more, and finally after getting so drunk, set the curtains on fire, and left the captain on the floor past out.
Dora is short 3 girls and some more girls come to fill in,the flu starts spreading, and Doc helps out everywhere and Doras' girls also help out where ever possible.
shed to Lee for payment owed, went home and commited suiside. Mack and his unemployed friends moved in the shed for return of the protection given to Lee Chong's store, because Lee knew no money would ever be seen for rent. Mack and his gang furnited the place and made it home. Most of the furnitings were stolen, painted to disguise the original look, and Mack even chalked out places for the gang to sleep in, designated places that is. Doc, a Western Biology Laboratory owner was a nice guy, so Mack and his gang decide to throw a party for him. It goes terribly wrong. Dora, another character, owns the Bear Flag Restraunt and also runs a whorehouse with 12 girls- very respected, a greek cook, and a bouncer, Alfred. That is after William, the old bouncer, was rejected in joining Macks gang, seen Eva, and commited suiside also. Every day an old chinamen walks to the sea, Andy, a young 10 year old boy from Salinas, taunted him once and never did again. Gay, beaten by his wife moved into the Palace Flophouse (the fish shed of Horace's). Even though he is afraid of water, Henry had been building a boat for 7 years already. Mr. and Mrs. Malloy moved to the boiler in 1935 and 2 years later rented out the large pipes as sleeping quarters. Mack talks about Phyllis Mae's infection from a drunks tooth she knocked out and was enbedded in her fist,which went all the way to her elbow. He also wants to help doc out by getting frogs for him.Frankie befriends doc at the lab, and loves him better than his own mother and uncles at home. Gay gets to work on a model t and eddie and jones air up the tires. Gay takes it to Caramel Hill and it dies on him. Brucia picks him up, celebrates Gays birthday, then Gay gets arrested and 180 days later returns home. Mr. Carriaga sees a boy run from Alverado street with a liver in his hand, which come from the gulge
where a french doctor discards parts of a body from Josh Billings, a writer who was staying at the Del Monte Hotel before he died. Mack discuss what has happened to Gay, Moran, and Mckinley and decide married men can't be trusted. The captain , which owned the land that Mack and his gang were eating on, wanted them off his land. Mack offered to fix his dogs wound from a tick bite, and suggested that they hunt at his frog pond. Two soldiers and two girls wonder into cannery row. Mack medicated Nola, the captains dog wound, and was offered the pick of the litter of hers. They begin to drink corn liquor and hunt frogs, drink some more, and finally after getting so drunk, set the curtains on fire, and left the captain on the floor past out.
Dora is short 3 girls and some more girls come to fill in,the flu starts spreading, and Doc helps out everywhere and Doras' girls also help out where ever possible.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Views on Joseph Conrad
The author Joseph Conrad wants us readers to bring out of this section of reading, the vision of
personality, the hope of coherent, justified personality in its origin and actions, the immediate aim for the record of personal memories by presenting the feelings faithfully and connecting sensations.
All intellectual, artistic ambitions are permissible beyond the limits of prudent sanity as well all ambitions are lawful except those which climb up to miseries and credulity's. The virtue is said to be ambitions with their own reward. Even if we go deeper it isn't considered insensible. As a historian of hearts and a historian of emotions, both aim to reach the same thing, laughter and tears. Laughter and tears descend into snivells and giggles.
To Joseph Conrad all human beings are in pain, are weak, compassionate, but to have all of these emotions all at once is rare. The sight of human affairs shall receive admiration, as well pity,respect worthiness, and isn't insensible. Resignation is the only feeling out of all our feelings, in which
is impossible to become a false front.
personality, the hope of coherent, justified personality in its origin and actions, the immediate aim for the record of personal memories by presenting the feelings faithfully and connecting sensations.
All intellectual, artistic ambitions are permissible beyond the limits of prudent sanity as well all ambitions are lawful except those which climb up to miseries and credulity's. The virtue is said to be ambitions with their own reward. Even if we go deeper it isn't considered insensible. As a historian of hearts and a historian of emotions, both aim to reach the same thing, laughter and tears. Laughter and tears descend into snivells and giggles.
To Joseph Conrad all human beings are in pain, are weak, compassionate, but to have all of these emotions all at once is rare. The sight of human affairs shall receive admiration, as well pity,respect worthiness, and isn't insensible. Resignation is the only feeling out of all our feelings, in which
is impossible to become a false front.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The selected letters by Anton Chekhov
On march 28, 1886 Anton Chekhov feels that his writings need justification in the smallest way as well as he feels the lack of confidence in his works and himself.
On October 27,1888, he thinks that an artist or writer (a literary artist) should write with what he understands, and by doing that he or she needs to observe, choose, guess, and compound all that he or she understands to make the question of understanding the origin.
Out of the approach of the solution of a problem and the approach of the correct formulation of a problem, the "artist" should and is required and demanded to use the "the correct formulation of a problem" to write a successful novel or story. Also he feels that slow publications of books, stories, or novels, are equal to the satisfaction that the writer wants to feel when finished. To emphasize the story, the writer needs to use the background and characters strongly and vibrantly.
On October 27,1888, he thinks that an artist or writer (a literary artist) should write with what he understands, and by doing that he or she needs to observe, choose, guess, and compound all that he or she understands to make the question of understanding the origin.
Out of the approach of the solution of a problem and the approach of the correct formulation of a problem, the "artist" should and is required and demanded to use the "the correct formulation of a problem" to write a successful novel or story. Also he feels that slow publications of books, stories, or novels, are equal to the satisfaction that the writer wants to feel when finished. To emphasize the story, the writer needs to use the background and characters strongly and vibrantly.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Final summary for Their eyes are watching god
Starting in chapter 18, the Seminole Indians were leaving the everglades in groups each day.They knew the hurricane was coming. The animals even got the scent of something fishy so they fled also. Even some of the muck workers left. A good friend of Tea Cake and Janie's pleaded for them to go also, but Tea Cake refused. Janie stayed with him, rather than fleeing with their friends. For the people who stayed behind they worked picking beans during the day and gambling,singing, and dancing at night. As the storm worsened they begin to ponder about god and what will happen to them. Tea Cake and Janie leave but it was too late to have any rides, so they walked to a tall house for dry refuge. They and a friend fall asleep but Janie soon woke up to running water, they wake up and the friend decide not to go, so Tea Cake and Janie left and ended up in the water again. Tea Cake was tired and went to sleep. Janie tried to cover him, but instead she fell into the water. She got hold of a cows tail, but there was a "mad" dog on the cows back and tried to attack her, so Tea Cake killed the dog, not before getting bit on the cheekbone though.
They made it to safety and traveled to Palm Beach. Soon after Tea Cake went looking for buddies, and a job. Two white men happened upon him and made him bury the dead bodies, whites in coffins, blacks just thrown in the ditch and buried. He soon ran off and took Janie back to the everglades where their friends were waiting.They soon return to their old way of living, but soon after they do, Tea Cake is getting ill and not getting better, so Janie sends for a doctor, in which the doctor thinks the dog that bit him had rabies. He gave her some pills and told her that he had to send off for the serum to make Tea Cake better. Before that happens he has many rage attacks and Janie finds a pistol under his pillow when she made his bed one night. She "fixed" the gun and had her rifle ready just in case for safety reasons that is. The climax of that night was when he had a rage attack and wanted to know why she don't sleep in the same bed as him anymore!. She was glad she "fixed" the gun, because Tea Cake pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger two times, but on his second shot, she shot him with the rifle out of self defense. She was saddened for what she had to do and she held him close to her and thanked him for giving her a chance to love him like she did. Janie was sent to jail and tried for murder. She proclaimed her innocence and was found not guilty. At the boarder house , she overheard men saying,"if she killed a white man, she would of been hung". She temporarily lived in the everglades after giving a funeral for Tea Cake. At the funeral she dressed in overalls, not in fancy clothes like she did for Joe Starks funeral. When she leaves the everglades she is lonely due to Tea Cake not with her anymore. Later we are back at the scene where she, Janie, is talking to Pheoby and Janie feels that Tea Cake is with her in spirit all the time, and that she has fulfilled her destiny due to her going to the horizon and back.
I feel that she is a well spoken, well lived, experienced and bright older woman that won't let nothing get past her, go over her head, or stop her from what she wants to do, because she has lived a long experienced life and she would go as far as she can to achieve and succeed in her future life what ever it may be.
They made it to safety and traveled to Palm Beach. Soon after Tea Cake went looking for buddies, and a job. Two white men happened upon him and made him bury the dead bodies, whites in coffins, blacks just thrown in the ditch and buried. He soon ran off and took Janie back to the everglades where their friends were waiting.They soon return to their old way of living, but soon after they do, Tea Cake is getting ill and not getting better, so Janie sends for a doctor, in which the doctor thinks the dog that bit him had rabies. He gave her some pills and told her that he had to send off for the serum to make Tea Cake better. Before that happens he has many rage attacks and Janie finds a pistol under his pillow when she made his bed one night. She "fixed" the gun and had her rifle ready just in case for safety reasons that is. The climax of that night was when he had a rage attack and wanted to know why she don't sleep in the same bed as him anymore!. She was glad she "fixed" the gun, because Tea Cake pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger two times, but on his second shot, she shot him with the rifle out of self defense. She was saddened for what she had to do and she held him close to her and thanked him for giving her a chance to love him like she did. Janie was sent to jail and tried for murder. She proclaimed her innocence and was found not guilty. At the boarder house , she overheard men saying,"if she killed a white man, she would of been hung". She temporarily lived in the everglades after giving a funeral for Tea Cake. At the funeral she dressed in overalls, not in fancy clothes like she did for Joe Starks funeral. When she leaves the everglades she is lonely due to Tea Cake not with her anymore. Later we are back at the scene where she, Janie, is talking to Pheoby and Janie feels that Tea Cake is with her in spirit all the time, and that she has fulfilled her destiny due to her going to the horizon and back.
I feel that she is a well spoken, well lived, experienced and bright older woman that won't let nothing get past her, go over her head, or stop her from what she wants to do, because she has lived a long experienced life and she would go as far as she can to achieve and succeed in her future life what ever it may be.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
my views on Kew Gardens by Virginia Woolf
Kew Gardens shows and expresses beautiful scenery and atmosphere. The relationships of the couples seen while walking through the flower covered garden made the voices of the people,animals, and insects without actually having to have the characters saying alot out loud.
The characters linger back to the past and for every character the symbolic event or object is different. Simon had the symbol of his wife and children as he went back to lily and his proposal to her 15 years before. His wife's was the kiss and as she described it as "the mother of all my kisses all my life".Ghosts were used to describe the individual persons' memory, happiness, and reality.The snail toward the end of the story seemed to symbolize Simon's goal, him getting married and starting a family. the colors also described the relaxation, stress, and calmness of the people in the garden and the gardens surroundings.
The characters linger back to the past and for every character the symbolic event or object is different. Simon had the symbol of his wife and children as he went back to lily and his proposal to her 15 years before. His wife's was the kiss and as she described it as "the mother of all my kisses all my life".Ghosts were used to describe the individual persons' memory, happiness, and reality.The snail toward the end of the story seemed to symbolize Simon's goal, him getting married and starting a family. the colors also described the relaxation, stress, and calmness of the people in the garden and the gardens surroundings.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Their eyes were watching god chapters 7-17
Starting in chapter 7, Joe Starks is continuing to belittle Janie and she is feeling like her marriage to Joe is dieing and so she becomes less and less communicative to others and Joe. But Janie does something very brave and insults Joe in front of his friends on the porch, so that makes him feel like his masculinity was stripped of him. He hits her and makes her go home. As the story moves on she continues to argue with Joe and he decided to sleep in another room for the rest of the marriage, he did still love her, but wanted her not to know that. Janie feels that her marriage is getting worse and called upon her best friend Pheoby to discuss her problems. Joe is getting Ill and ill er, and without his permission,Janie had a friend send for a doctor from new Orleans. The doctor had told Joe and Jane that he has kidney failor and don't have much time to live. He don't allow Janie to come into his "sick room",but she disobeys him anyway and goes in. They argue more and she told him that she never had a chance to show what she could do because he didn't give her opportunity to. He eventually dies, and she feels sad, but also free from him. She lets her hair down out of the head rag and feels freer than ever. So the funeral happened, she then over the few months later men started coming around. There was one man, Tea Cake, he swept her off her feet and eventually she closed and sold the store, left with Tea Cake, married him, and made a home on the muck with him in the everglades.For a while things were good until Mrs. Turner showed up and told her she needed to leave Janie's husband and marry her brother.Janie realizes she is "IN LOVE" for the first time and she loves him just as she use to love to sit under the pear tree at her Nanny's. He even taught her to shoot better than her with a gun. She loved the everglades and it was so exciting, work in the day, play at night.
Tea Cake and his buddies, but Janie wasn't allowed to go to Mrs. Turners restaurant for some fun and a fight breaks out. Finally Mrs. Turner, who thinks she is more white than black, got mad and said she is going to Miami where people are civilized, unlike here in the everglades.
Tea Cake and his buddies, but Janie wasn't allowed to go to Mrs. Turners restaurant for some fun and a fight breaks out. Finally Mrs. Turner, who thinks she is more white than black, got mad and said she is going to Miami where people are civilized, unlike here in the everglades.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Raymond Carver views on writing.
Raymond has a hard time concentrating his attention on the long narrative fictions. He had no long attention span and patience to try to write novels, but he knows that is why he writes poems and stories. Every writer makes the world over his or her specifications. It is the writers unmistakable signature on all he or she writes and it is his or her world and no one Else's. His or her world is what makes the writer different from another writer. The writers usually don't need gimmicks or smart people to help write a story. At times experimentation is given as a license to be careless and unique in the writing, also to alienate the reader. The actual experiments in fiction is original, earned, and cause for jumping for joy. Its also very possible to make common places and things using precise language to make the places and things or objects become what the reader sees with so much power. Reading, rewriting, and re punctuating is a way to write a successful short story. Satisfaction is the what we get when we did our best. There is some menacing in a story to make a good reading story and also has to have tension or there is no story created, it will be a boring one. Language is used to light up the suspense of the story for the reader and the details of the language has to be accurate and precisely given. If the words are used just right, the reader can really hit and understand the story without being lost from the beginning.
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