Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The one of many interviews with Ralph Ellison

This interview began with Ralph Ellison saying that his writing was not a autobiography. He had many jobs that didnt last long. He reviewed many writers, their techniques, and writing structures. For example: Hemingway was one he studied. He also liked how Malraux wrote about
his real life, but not completely.
He also said that the negros are a minority group and most of the time gets their books critiqued by white people, which creates limitations of the feelings and thoughts of the book. The white people questioned humanity, and wondered how negros can afford to indulge such an issue as humanity. I feel that all people are equal no matter the color of the skin and that all should have the right to indulge in humanity. History will keep repeating its self and so will the limitations of the human condition in certain groups of people no matter who trys and succeeds to change the past, present, and future. All people are human no matter whether they are black, white, orange, or yellow. All groups especially the minority groups, value life and death, as well attempt to humanize the world. No matter who writes a book or story, their writings will be racially critisied somewhere in the world.

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