Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Raymond Carver views on writing.

Raymond has a hard time concentrating his attention on the long narrative fictions. He had no long attention span and patience to try to write novels, but he knows that is why he writes poems and stories. Every writer makes the world over his or her specifications. It is the writers unmistakable signature on all he or she writes and it is his or her world and no one Else's. His or her world is what makes the writer different from another writer. The writers usually don't need gimmicks or smart people to help write a story. At times experimentation is given as a license to be careless and unique in the writing, also to alienate the reader. The actual experiments in fiction is original, earned, and cause for jumping for joy. Its also very possible to make common places and things using precise language to make the places and things or objects become what the reader sees with so much power. Reading, rewriting, and re punctuating is a way to write a successful short story. Satisfaction is the what we get when we did our best. There is some menacing in a story to make a good reading story and also has to have tension or there is no story created, it will be a boring one. Language is used to light up the suspense of the story for the reader and the details of the language has to be accurate and precisely given. If the words are used just right, the reader can really hit and understand the story without being lost from the beginning.

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